Welcome to our MUSICIANS page!
Here are some of the talented musicians that play regularly in Palm Beach County. Contact Us to get added to this list.
Musicians – Palm Beach County
Adam Haupt (News From Bree)
Adam Jason (formerly Trial By Fire)
Adonis Frangiskakis (Guavatron)
Al Johnson (Americana Jones)
Al Sofield (Konnected)
Al Zilinsky (Unlimited Devotion)
Alan Konkal (formerly The earl Trio)
Alex Dean (Memory Lane)
Alex Zapatier (The Kinected)
Ali Nassar (formerly Nash Carey Band)
Allegra Miles
Alex Rivera (Beyond Blonde)
Alyssa Marie Coons
Amanda Accardi (Low Ground)
Amos Pierre (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Andrew Morris (Andrew Morris Band)
Andy Stein (Andy Stein and Mike Hill, String Fever)
Angel Valin (formerly Trial By Fire)
Artti Sowerbrower (formerly Trial By Fire)
Anthony Capp (56 Ace)
Anthony Serio (formerly Shades of Blue)
Augie Colon (formerly Nash Carey Band)
Barry Bernstein (formerly Max DuBose and the Scandalous Rogues, Crazy Chester)
Barry Brimacomb (formerly Mid Shift Blues Band)
Ben Childs (Killbillies)
Ben Sawyer (formerly Blue Water Solstice)
Bernie Rose (Forever Eric – Tribute to Eric Clapton)
Beto Rubineli (Justin Enco and the Poor Life Decisions)
Bill Alexander (Groove Merchant Band)
Bill Hartmann
Bill Lee (Relentless Band, formerly The earl Trio)
Bill Maher (formerly Big Jam Theory)
Bill Meredith (The Cravens, Big Brass Bed)
Bill Storch (The Cravens)
Billy Bass (BombShell)
Billy Schmidt (formerly Raggy Monster)
Bob Chapman (Sierra Band)
Bob Haury (Konnected)
Bob Melber (Samantha Russell Band)
Bob Noble (formerly Fire in the Kitchen, formerly Bob Noble Music)
Bobby Nathan (Bobby Nathan Band)
Bobby O’Donovan (formerly Fire in the Kitchen)
Bobby Ross (The NattyBos)
Bonnie Abbott Colombo (Tom and Bonnie)
Brad Eavenson (Neverglades)
Brad Keller (Groove Merchant Band, Big Brass Bed)
Brad Schecter (Big Vince and the Phat Cats)
Brett Staska (Roots Shakedown)
Brian Cain (Burnt Biscuit)
Brian Wingender (Last Flight Out)
Bron Burbank (formerly The Bron Burbank Band)
Brooke Geissler (formerly Mainstreet Dreamers)
Bruce Gaffney (Sax Attack, Forever Eric – Tribute to Eric Clapton)
Bruce Hanson (Last Flight Out)
Bruce Jarett (formerly String Theory)
Bryce A Rutkowski (Bryce Allyn Band)
Bubba Newton (Crazy Fingers)
Carole Charlin (formerly Jonathan Auerbach Trio)
Caroline Shrope (The Mona Lisa Tribe)
Carolyn Lord (Neverglades)
Cary Fields (formerly Shakedown)
Cary Keyz (formerly Samantha Russell Band)
Casey Buckley (The People Upstairs)
Casey Raines (Casey Raines Band)
Casey Luden (Guavatron)
Charlie Agnew (Westminster Trio)
Chase Stites (The Last Word)
Cher Couvillion Wilson (The Hoochie Digs)
Chris Archer (PWL)
Chris Bonelli (Justin Enco and the Poor Life Decisions)
Chris Cardman (Bruja)
Chris Christophi (formerly Rex Vetter Band)
Chris O’Brian (The People Upstairs)
Chris Patsis (Public Sounds Collective, formerlyMarkis Hernandez Trio)
Chris Prestia (The People Upstairs)
Chris Vallone (formerly Psychic Ghost)
Christian Davis (Public Sounds Collective)
Christopher Cope (The Kinected)
Chuck Ficker (Andrew Morris Band)
Clark Rodriguez
Claudia Harrison (formerly Big Medizen)
Cliff Guest (formerly The Blues Crusaders)
Clint Casey (Sax Attack)
Cole George (Dark Side of the Sol)
Conor Crookham (Guavatron)
Connie “Rockstar” (EraSmith)
Corey Nicholas (Stall 4)
Cory Dorman (formerly Static Momentum)
Cory Ricardy (Jakob Takos & The Connection, Sierra Lane Band, formerly The Bron Burbank Band)
Cori Spring (Americana Jones)
Craig Inman (formerly Santosha)
Curtis Lewis (Krazy Train)
Dan Bonebrake (formerly Grey & Orange)
Dan DeGregory (Unlimited Devotion)
Dan Tessier (formerly Bron Burbank and the County Line)
Daniel Dratch (The Blues Crusaders, Mark Telesca Band)
Danny Marquez (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Danny Poulos (Acoustic Cool-Aid)
Dave Austin (formerly Santosha)
Dave Carlino (Beyond Blonde)
Dave Hietapelto (Solstice Reign)
Dave Kupsik (Big Medizen)
Dave Reed (Pam & Dave)
Dave Einhorn (formerly The Mark Doyle Trio)
Dave Ringhiser (formerly Shades of Blue)
Dave Trull (Franscene)
David Goodman
David Snetsinger (Sierra Band)
Debbie Tassone (Acoustic Soul)
Dee Chrysopulos (Groove Therapy)
Dennis Ambrose (The Cravens)
Dennis Freireich (Classic Cruisers, The NattyBos)
Dennis Lasher (The String Assassins)
Derek Campbell (News From Bree)
Derek Diamonte (Krazy Train, formerly The Evil Monkeys)
Diane DeNoble (On the Roxx, formerly Shakedown)
Diane Hulton (Chemistry/ The Sweet)
Diego Fagundes (Samantha Russell Band)
Doug Lindsay (Groove Merchant Band, Crazy Chester, Sax Attack, Big Brass Bed)
Doug “Surge” (EraSmith)
Dustin Martin (Burnt Biscuit)
Eddie Rieck (formerly Sierra Band)
Ed Willey (Forever Eric – Tribute to Eric Clapton)
Eleni Skiba (Relentless Band)
Eli (The On Monday Band)
Elijah Taj Gee (Public Sounds Collective, The Ricca Project)
Eric Murray (The Shareholders)
Eric Ryan
Erin Thompson (The Mona Lisa Tribe)
Ethan Parker (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Fernando Santomaggio (formerly Konnected)
Frank Axtell (Big City)
Fred Deberardinis (formerly The North 40)
Fred Wang (Mark Telesca Band, formerly Shakedown)
Gabe Rangel (The People Upstairs)
Gary Dejesu (Knockdown)
Gary Golob (Whiskey Six)
Gary Kroman (formerly Max DuBose and the Scandalous Rogues)
Gary Scott (Manipulate the Machine)
Geoff Livingston (The Shareholders, The PowerCats, formerly Crazy Chester)
George Manosis
Gil Giberga (Leo Lee Rock Band)
Glen (The On Monday Band)
Gracie Aho (formerly Grace Roots)
Greg Burdick (Americana Jones)
Greg Jackson (Memory Lane)
Greg Lovell (formerly Grey & Orange)
Greg Sawyer (Last Flight Out)
Hantz Metellus (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Harry “HD” Bayron (Rogue Theory)
Harry Carson (Andrew Morris Band)
Hector Diaz (Killbillies)
Holly Hathaway (Beyond Blonde)
Hunter Hutchings (Spred the Dub)
Ian Jones (formerly JL Fulks Band)
Ishmael “The Rocket” McLean (formerly String Theory)
Jake Jacobs (The Rockin’ Jake Band)
Jake Luger (Big Medizen)
Jakob Takos (Jakob Takos & The Connection)
James Bellamy (Neverglades)
James Galiano (Killbillies)
James Russo (formerly Psychic Ghost)
Jamie Wood (Big City)
Jared Lee (formerly Mainstreet Dreamers)
Jason Colannino (4 Peace Band)
Jason Craig (formerly Rosario Craig Band)
Jason Hanley (Sound Proof)
Jason Peterman (Beyond Blonde)
Jason Stander (JM and The Sweets)
Jay Kuchera (The String Assassins)
Jean C. Rivera (Axcents)
Jeanmarc Alexandre (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Jeff Rothstein (The North 40, Forever Eric – Tribute to Eric Clapton)
Jeff Short (Solstice Reign)
Jennell Eve (Eve n’ Paparo)
Jeremiah Henderson (formerly Blue Water Solstice)
Jerry Leeman (Big Medizen)
Jesse Dalton (formerly Grey & Orange)
Jesse Lee (Wonderama)
Jim Felicio (The North 40)
Jim Kovalcik (Sound Proof)
Jerry Evans (Americana Jones)
Jimmy Carroll (PWL)
Jimmy Murphy (56 Ace)
JL (Jeffrey Lynn) Fulks (JL Fulks Band)
Joanne Georgio Nathan (Bobby Nathan Band)
Joe Battista (Casey Raines Band)
Joe Beard (The Flyers)
Joe Cole (Vibes Farm)
Joe Falconeri (Unlimited Devotion)
Joe Martin (Casey Raines Band)
Joe Skiba (formerly Konnected)
Joe Tenuto (Joe and Joey Tenuto Band)
Joe “Wineman” (EraSmith)
Joel Enneper (Big City)
Joey Calebrese (The PowerCats)
Joey George
Joey Tenuto (Joe and Joey Tenuto Band)
Joey Wilson (The Hoochie Digs)
John Bass (formerly Medicine Hat)
John DiMiceli (On the Roxx)
John Grillo (33 Years, Slip and the Spinouts)
John Prout (Relentless Band)
John Smotherman (Crazy Chester, The PowerCats, Big Brass Bed)
John Storch (The Cravens)
John Zias (Unlimited Devotion)
Johnnie Nichols (Crazy Fingers)
Johnny B (EraSmith)
Johnny D (formerly Rex Vetter Band)
Johnny Frasca (Rogue Theory)
Johnny Hayes (Rogue Theory)
Jon Thoburn (Dryvin’ South Band)
Jonathan Auerbach (Jonathan Auerbach Trio)
Jonathan Washam (The North 40)
Jordan Becker (formerly Medicine Hat)
Jordan Richards (The Flyers)
Jorge “Bruja” Zarruk (Bruja)
Jose Almonte (Krazy Train)
Jose Roman Duque (formerly Jonathan Auerbach Trio)
Joseph George (Big Medizen)
Joseph Howard (Last Flight Out, formerly The Drip Effect)
Josh Foster (Crazy Fingers)
Josh Hamilton (formerly The Drip Effect, formerly The Quax)
Josh Miles (JM and The Sweets)
Julia Formica (formerly Mainstreet Dreamers)
Julian Vazquez (Wonderama)
Justin Enco (Justin Enco and the Poor Life Decisions)
Justin “JD” D’Alfonso (Fireside Prophets)
Karen House
Katherine Troche (Wonderama)
Keith Michaud
Keith Nelson (Groove Therapy)
Keith Tillman (The North 40)
Ken Burgner (Blues Crusaders, formerly JL Fulks Band)
Ken Urquhart (formerly Big Jam Theory, formerly The Evil Monkeys)
Ken Washburn (formerly The Metropolitan)
Kenny V (formerly Rex Vetter Band, Big Medizen)
Kevin Cripanuk (Public Sounds Collective)
Kevin Heavy Agnelli (formerly Rex Vetter Band)
Kevin Johnson (Spred the Dub)
Kevin Mann (formerly The Rockin’ Jake Band)
Kevin Raub (Knockdown)
Kevin Tolly (33 Years)
Kimi Berman (Regi and Kimi)
Kirk Jamgotchian (formerly SADA)
Kurt C.L. (formerly Static Momentum)
Kyle Seiler (formerly The Drip Effect)
LeNora Jaye (Memory Lane)
Leo Mandelli (Leo Lee Rock Band)
Leon Lachance (PWL)
Leonard Townsend (Americana Jones)
Lorenzo Lindo (JM and The Sweets)
Lorne Lubin (formerly Psychic Ghost)
Lou DiNafo (formerly Shakedown)
Lou Mackey (Solstice Reign)
Lou Piccinetti (Stall 4)
Louis Banilla (Sound Proof)
Luis C. Gomez (Axcents)
Lyss Emerson (formerly SADA)
Manny Cespedes (Wonderama)
Marcello Nascimento (formerly Whiskey Six)
Marck Mangel (The Kinected)
Marck Morgan (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Mario LaCasse (The NattyBos, Groove Merchant Band)
Mark Battle (The North 40, formerly String Theory)
Mark Boeffi (Knockdown)
Mark Doyle (formerly The Mark Doyle Trio)
Mark Leach (The Shareholders)
Mark “Mangrove” Shubert (The String Assassins)
Mark Telesca (Mark Telesca Band, Mark Telesca, formerly Shakedown)
Mark Williams (Dryvin’ South Band)
Markis Hernandez (Public Sounds Collective, Spred the Dub, formerly Markis Hernandez Trio)
Matt Ball (formerly Blue Water Solstice)
Matt Brown
Matt Gill (The String Assassins)
Matt Joy (formerly Public Sounds Collective)
Matt Louis (56 Ace)
Matt Shepard (PWL)
Melody Stuart (Remerge)
Michael Basso (formerly Smith Sundy)
Michael Diaz (Shades of Blue)
Michael Granata (formerly The Evil Monkeys)
Michael Heatherington (Manipulate the Machine, formerly Psychic Ghost)
Michael Iovine (Casey Raines Band)
Michael Murphy (formerly The Metropolitan)
Michael O’Rourke (Neverglades)
Michael Perry (JM and The Sweets)
Michele Lynn
Michelle Wolf (formerly Stone Mojo)
Mick Swigert (Spred the Dub)
Mike Anglin (Groove Therapy, formerly Max DuBose and the Scandalous Rogues)
Mike Barker (Americana Jones)
Mike Begleiter (The Kinected)
Mike Betters (Whiskey Six)
Mike Burns (Burnt Biscuit)
Mike Cheney (Andrew Morris Band)
Mike Cherry (formerly Santosha)
Mike Guido (Jakob Takos and The Connection, Sons of a Tradesman, formerly Raggy Monster)
Mike Hill (formerly Rosario Craig Band, Andy Stein and Mike Hill, Big Medizen, Super Break, formerly The Bron Burbank Band)
Mike “Big Dog” Hundley (On the Roxx)
Mike Kerr (Bryce Allyn Band)
Mike McDermott (Spred the Dub)
Mike Menexis (Florida on the Rocks)
Mike Paparo (Big Vince and the Phat Cats, Eve n’ Paparo)
Mike Thomas (formerly Bron Burbank and the County Line)
Mitch Herrick (Mitch Herrick and the Homegrown Sinners)
Mitch Lee (formerly Samantha Russell Band)
Mitch Nilo (Samantha Russell Band)
Monique Chalk (Bruja, formerly The Bron Burbank Band)
Morgan Beers (formerly Mainstreet Dreamers)
Morgan Born-Aives (The Last Word)
Muff Cunningham (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Nash Carey (formerly Nash Carey Band)
Natalie Jackson (Memory Lane)
Nathan Mercado (Spider Cherry)
Neil “Toots” Franklyn
Nick Harris (Whiskey Six)
Nick Mihelich (Dryvin’ South Band)
Nico Kiriazis (Low Ground, Uproot Hootennany)
Nicole George (Dark Side of the Sol)
Njoki Kamiru (Memory Lane)
Noelle Kujala (Groove Merchant Band)
Oren Gross (Fireside Prophets, Raggy Monster)
Oscar Dorta (BombShell, Green Means Go)
Oscar Ramirez (formerly The Drip Effect)
Pablo Martinez (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Pam Wyman (Pam & Dave)
Pat Channing (Sierra Band)
Pat Conner (formerly Medicine Hat)
Pat Kregor (Bruja, Big Medizen)
Patrick Farinas (The Flyers)
Paul Charron (The Last Word)
Paul D. Clay (Solstice Reign)
Paul Kus (Dryvin’ South Band)
Paul Lee (On the Roxx)
Paula Tolly (33 Years)
Perry Blankman (Last Flight Out)
Pete Dusinberre (Crazy Chester)
Pete Lavezzoli (Crazy Fingers)
Pete Noble (formerly The North 40)
Pete Vega (Justin Enco and the Poor Life Decisions)
Pete Weintraub (Big Medizen)
Peter Schwartz (Stall 4)
Petro Bass (Sound Proof)
Phil McArthur (Westminster Trio)
Pierre Aristil (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Preston Cleckly (Rogue Theory)
Rachel Alexandria DuVall-Schmidt (formerly Raggy Monster)
Rachel Brown (Memory Lane)
Randy Ward (formerly Big Brass Bed)
Rawlin Zybach (formerly Smith Sundy)
Regi Reynolds (Regi and Kimi)
Rex Blazer (Big Medizen)
Ric Pattison (formerly The Mark Doyle Trio)
Rich Friedman (Crazy Fingers)
Rich Garetano (Solstice Reign)
Rich “Ram-Man” (EraSmith)
Rick Barrett (String Fever)
Rick Conard (Chemistry/ The Sweet)
Rick Cohen (formerly Cannon and Cohen)
Rick DiRienzo (formerly Samantha Russell Band)
Rick “Rico” Geragi (Mark Telesca Band)
Rit Johnson (Classic Cruisers, Jupiter Trailer Trash, formerly Ryan and the Rockers, formerly The Shareholders, formerly Livingston-Johnson)
Rob Arenth (The Happiness Club Band, formerly Big Jam Theory)
Rob Barone (Krazy Train, formerly The Evil Monkeys)
Rob Busler (formerly Static Momentum)
Rob Dipietro (Leo Lee Rock Band)
Rob Knopick (56 Ace)
Rob Stevenson (The Shareholders, The PowerCats, On the Roxx)
Rob P. Stock (Dark Side of the Sol)
Robb Smith (Last Flight Out)
Robert Allen Gibbs (Mark Telesca Band)
Robert Haury (Jupiter Trailer Trash)
Robert Mirabelle (PWL)
Robert Watson (33 Years)
Rocky Armento (Knockdown)
Rocky Rucker (Sierra Lane Band)
Rod Dangerio (formerly Santosha)
Rod MacDonald (Big Brass Bed)
Roddy Hansen (Guavatron)
Roget Pontrbiand (formerly Ethan Parker Band)
Roger White (Burnt Biscuit)
Ron Anthony (The Kinected)
Ron Cooper (Whiskey Six)
Ron DeSaram (The Cravens)
Ron Harbison (Americana Jones)
Ron Shapiro (Bruja)
Ron Vieira (formerly SADA)
Rui Pinto (Samantha Russell Band)
Ryan Cross (Spred the Dub)
Ryan Jackola (Vibes Farm)
Ryan McCauley (formerly Smith Sundy)
Ryan Weidenfeld (Bryce Allyn Band)
Sage DuVall (formerly Raggy Monster)
Sam Marrs (formerly SADA)
Sam Szpendyk (Spred the Dub)
Samantha Russell (Samantha Russell Band)
Samuel King (News From Bree)
Sandy Winnerman (Casey Raines Band)
Sara Scully (formerly The Quax)
Scott Blunt (Leo Lee Rock Band)
Scott Craig (formerly Rosario Craig Band, Burnt Biscuit)
Sean O’Neill (formerly The Metropolitan)
Sergio Cazzio (Dark Side of the Sol)
Shane Bushman (formerly String Theory)
Shaun Cuddy (Franscene)
Shaun Malaney (formerly The earl Trio)
Shaun Rosario (Rosario Craig Band, formerly Psychic Ghost, formerly Big Medizen)
Stefen Rosenfarb (Big City)
Shelby Rael (formerly Nash Carey Band)
Sierra Lane (Sierra Lane Band)
Spencer Lane (Groove Therapy)
Stan Woodgett (formerly Shakedown)
Stephanie Krowka (formerly String Fever)
Stephen Dupree (Wonderama)
Stephen Leonard (Sax Attack)
Stephen Lombardelli (Dark Side of the Sol)
Steve Allain (formerly Konnected)
Steve Dunlap (The Happiness Club Band, formerly Big Jam Theory, formerly The Evil Monkeys)
Steve Manos (56 Ace)
Steve Molnar (The Bron Burbank Band)
Steve O’Connor (Konnected)
Steve Quinto (formerly Rex Vetter Band)
Steve Robbins (The Shareholders)
Steve Tyson (Manipulate the Machine)
Steven Jones (formerly Rex Vetter Band)
Steven Vincent
Stratis Washburn (formerly The Metropolitan)
Suzanne Cannon (formerly Cannon and Cohen)
Sylvia Zanelli Simon (The North 40)
Tabitha Meeks (The Mona Lisa Tribe)
Tango Ray Morris
Terry Ferraro (Cover to Cover, formerly The On Monday Band))
Tia Green (Remerge)
Tim Kuchta (Groove Therapy)
Timothy Moss (formerly Medicine Hat)
Tito “Bandido” Sotomayor (Axcents)
Todd Deason (Manipulate the Machine)
Todd Feldman (Westminster Trio)
Todd Walker (Sierra Band)
Tom Colombo (Tom and Bonnie)
Tom Jackson (Tom Jackson Band)
Tom Porter (Stall 4)
Tom Rehnberg (formerly Static Momentum)
Tommy Rispoli (Bruja)
Tommy Strauss (Classic Cruisers)
Tony Adair (formerly Whiskey Six)
Tony Monaco (Mark Telesca Band)
Tony Rangel (The People Upstairs)
Tracy Blue (formerly Shades of Blue)
Travis Schmeider (Fireside Prophets)
Trey Dark (Public Sounds Collective)
Tricia Maxwell Doyle (Konnected)
Troy McCray (Memory Lane)
Turk Lewis (formerly Santosha)
Ty Schreffler (formerly Grace Roots)
Tyler Giddens (Vibes Farm)
Victoria Cardona
Vinnie Veneziano (formerly Cover to Cover, formerly The On Monday Band)
Virgil Price (JM and The Sweets)
Will Trull (Franscene)
Woody Spencer (Whiskey Six)
Yazmani Velazquez (Bryce Allyn Band)
Zaii Zeus Whatevrr (formerly Skoros)
Musicians – Broward County and Miami
Aimee Jane (Steeltown Religion)
Al Nigro (The Wildfire Band)
Andy Annoied (The Coppertones)
Barry Gruber (Majesty of Rock – Chain Reaction and Forever Styx)
Bobby Sherman (formerly Stone Mojo)
Brian Bolen (Uproot Hootenanny)
Brian Trew (Uproot Hootenanny)
Chato Vazquez (Green Means Go)
Chris Parker (High Tolerance)
Chris Peet (JP Soars and the Red Hots)
Claudette (Relentless Band, formerly The earl Trio)
Clay Goldstein (The NattyBos)
Cleveland Frederick (JP Soars and the Red Hots)
Dan McGrath (formerly Hot Java Band)
Danny Gootner (The Coppertones)
Dave Kurzman (SoleMark)
David Carrey (Steeltown Religion)
David Palmar (Jay Valor Band)
David Terrell (formerly Stone Mojo)
David Welch (Uproot Hootenanny)
Dennis Pelchat (Majesty of Rock – Chain Reaction and Forever Styx)
Dorian Vaz (High Tolerance)
Dyllan Thieme (The Coppertones)
Eddie Castineira (Jay Valor Band)
Eddie Willer (Steeltown Religion)
Eli Mills (SoleMark)
Eric Berger (Slip and the Spinouts)
Ez Miranda (High Tolerance)
Gus Rios (Steeltown Religion)
Isaac Velasquez (Slip and the Spinouts)
Jay Valor (Jay Valor Band)
Jeff Lafferty (The Wildfire Band)
Jesse Ricca (SoleMark, The Ricca Project)
John D’Agostino (Majesty of Rock – Chain Reaction and Forever Styx)
Jonathan Campbell (High Tolerance)
JP Soars (JP Soars and the Red Hots)
Keenan Walter (SoleMark)
Kenny Gruniesen (Big Medizen)
Kristi Lynx (Slip and the Spinouts)
Laz Christofi (Majesty of Rock – Chain Reaction and Forever Styx)
Markus 5 (Green Means Go)
Matt Shaffer (Slip and the Spinouts)
Melissa Maureau (BombShell)
Michael Waxman (The Wildfire Band)
Nick Orr (Nick Orr and the Spectrum)
Noah Hall (Slip and the Spinouts)
Randi Fishenfeld (The Wildfire Band)
Randy LaPierre (Green Means Go)
Rob Doyle (Majesty of Rock – Chain Reaction and Forever Styx)
Rod Simioni (Slip and the Spinouts)
Slip Mahoney (Slip and the Spinouts)
Stefanie Smerkers (The Coppertones)
Stevan Carter (The Wildfire Band)
Steve Dewey (formerly Stone Mojo)
Steve Laudicina (formerly JP Soars and the Red Hots, The Rockin Jake Band, formerly Mark Telesca Band)
Steve Marinaro (Steeltown Religion)
TJ Prystal (SoleMark, The Ricca Project)
Tony Tomei (Slip and the Spinouts)
Trent Watkins (Jay Valor Band)
William Jeremy Bryan (Jay Valor Band)
Musicians – Treasure Coast
Abby Owens
AJ Gordon (Dave and the Wave)
Ben Gillis (Jesse and the Thieves)
Bill Burke (Martin County Electric)
Bill Condon (Dave and the Wave)
Brad Schechter (Big Vince and the Phat Cats)
Chuck Hughes (Hillbilly Hellcats)
David Bromley (Jupiter Trailer Trash)
David Reeves (Martin County Electric)
Dennis Lasher (The String Assassins)
Dustin Copeland (Jesse and the Thieves)
Eddie Ray (Radio Days)
Gary Frost (Acoustic Soul, Big Vince and the Phat Cats)
Gary Kohler (Jupiter Trailer Trash)
George Reamer (Martin County Electric)
Isaac Taylor (Low Ground)
Jay Kuchera (The String Assassins)
Jesse Strang (Jesse and the Thieves)
John Wunsch (Radio Days)
Johnny Henshaw (Sweet Release)
Johnny Thorn (Quick Fix)
Keith Hubbard (Dave and the Wave)
Kevin McLoughlin (Kevin McLoughlin Trio)
Lee Bowman (Quick Fix)
Mark Allen (Neverglades)
Mark Shubert (The String Assassins)
Matt Gill (The String Assassins)
Mike Howard (Kevin McLoughlin Trio)
Neal Watkins (Jesse and the Thieves)
Neil Santell (Kevin McLoughlin Trio)
Phil Spinda (Dave and the Wave)
Phil Wix (Sweet Release)
Rich Wooten
Scott Benge
Steve Scott (Radio Days)
Terry “T-Bone” Frazier (Martin County Electric)
Thomas Hoffelder (Quick Fix)
Tiffany Tyre (Quick Fix)
Tommy Callino (Low Ground)
Tony Velarde (Jesse and the Thieves)
Trevor Klutz (Low Ground)
Vince Flora (Big Vince and the Phat Cats)