We’re Music Fans that love Live Music!
John and Trish
Here's the Gang that Does the Work!

Jonathan Malone

Rachel Harrypersad

Stephanie Gillespie

David Shaw

Lots of Live Music is being played in the Treasure Coast and Palm Beach County every single day, but we know it’s hard for Live Music fans to find the kind of music they like. To help out, we hunt for and add a whole lot of Live Music events onto our Live Music Calendars.
We find them by searching publicly available information on musician, band, and music venue websites, Facebook, newsletters, etc. of those who are supporting us, and also from as many others as we have time for. We don’t find them all, but we do get more than anyone else out there!
Our colorful Calendars are BETTER THAN than all the others out there because . . . .
NO distracting Advertising!
MORE EVENTS – over 700 in a typical week!
LOTS OF DETAILS including the GENRE/TYPE OF MUSIC of each Event, and an Event Page with a map and directions to every one!
With FILTERS and a CALENDAR SEARCH bar to save you time!
Our FREE Mobile App helps you navigate our Website, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok quicker!
We’ll be glad to publish your Live Music events as well! Just click on the “Submit Your Event” tab under “Bands and Musicians”.
We also send out news about local music happenings in our email newsletters. If you would like to join our list, just click here.
For more info, check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page, call: 772-245-0354, or send an email: john@LocalMusicFinders.com anytime!
A little history about us: We moved to Palm Beach County from the Baltimore area in 1997. We had a hard time finding the kind of live music we liked, and if it wasn’t for Charlie Boyer’s Jazz & Blues Florida magazine we would have been lost! We also liked other kinds of music as well, and we could not find a reliable source listing nearby live music events. So in 2014 we launched our own website called BestMusicTonight.com to list all the Palm Beach area live music shows we could find.
In 2016 we changed our format and name to LocalMusicFinders.com, with a separate website for North County, Central, and South – all with the same look and feel – under a main “umbrella” website. Since we had some time on our hands during the Covid pandemic, we modernized our website look and added one for the Treasure Coast in early 2021.
Now in 2023 we added some little videos of Live Music Forecasts, musician interviews, etc. to our website, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to highlight some of talented musicians and bands that play around here!
Also in 2023 we introduced a new Mobile App for easier navigation when you’re on the go.
With your support, we’ll continue to make improvements to our websites to help you find Your Kind of Live Music!